|| The Love Knot || Chapter 5: The Journey. A short story by- @gnibha Maity

Chapter 5
The Journey

They both stopped talking much like they used to do. But still, they were close. Veeraj's feelings for her were still getting intense day by day and Nandita used to miss him more with each passing day. She wanted those long chats, they used to have at 3 am in the morning. She wanted him back.

Some weeks passed, but they were not over their feelings, as they thought they would be.

It was late in the evening. Some hours ago Veeraj left his job with the resignation letter. He was getting anxious. He couldn't wait any longer to talk to her. He wanted to see her now. He took out his phone. “FUCK! Its switched off”,he said to himself. He then called his brother.

One day in the morning, Nandita was reading a novel. She got a call from his brother who was in college. She answered the phone.

“ Hello,”

“ Hello,”

*Some Talking*

“ Why ?”

*More talking*


*Some More talking*

“No, I can't come today,”

*Talking, Talking, Talking*

“Ok Fine! I'm coming,”


His brother had called her to meet her. He wanted to go for lunch. So, she had to go.

She reached the place, where she was to meet her brother. She looked here and there, but Sourish was not there.She looked again,but couldn't find him. She thought of calling her brother. Suddenly someone patted gently  on her shoulder. She looked back and there he was. It was Veeraj, standing behind her, smiling, she was surprised.

“W-H-A-T…. What are you doing here? Where did Sourish go?” She asked while trying to believe,if this was actually true. She was in total shock.

He put his finger on her lips, “Don't talk,” he said and held her hand and asked her to come with him. She was confused and happy at the same time. She started walking with him.

There was a cab standing Outside. He opened its door, made a gesture and asked her to sit in the cab. She couldn't understand what was happening with her,but she wanted to know.

“ What's going on?” she asked.

“Sssshhh… don't talk,”

“What? Why? When did you come Kolkata?”

“Sush.. just Sushh..,”

“Okay! Okay,”

The cab left them in front of a building. She looked up all confused.

“Come on,” Veeraj said.

“Wh…,” she tried to say something.

“ Don't say anything, just come with me.”

They started climbing the stairs. It was a tall building. She was tired.

“ How long do we have to climb?” she asked.


“Why there is no lift?”

“Shut up! You talk too much,” he said and put her fingers on her lips.

She still murmuring something. “The finger must remain as it is and don't say a word,” He scolded her.

“She affirmed with her eyes and smiled at him sweetly.”

They reached on the roof of the building. A round shiny wooden table and two big chairs with cushion on them were placed in the middle of the roof there was a small slab in the corner and a cooking stove with some utensils were placed on that slab.

“Sit down,” Veeraj said.

“Okay Bosss!” she said saluting him.

“ You might be thirsty, right?” he said and handed her a glass of water.

He then went near the kitchen slab and started cooking something. She was looking at him. “ What's going on?” she wondered and turned on the FM on the stereo which was there near the chair. After sometimes, he came with a plate in his hand and some cutlets on it, beautifully garnished with tomato sauce.

“Have some,” he said handing her the plate and sat on the other chair.

“Wow! Not bad,hmm. You are a good cook,”
“Thank you, Madame,” he bowed.

“Now tell me what's going on. Why you are here instead of Sourish,”

“Just wait, I'll be back,” he said and ran quickly towards the slab.

“Now what! Just tell me already,” she shouted at him.

He came back with a box. He placed it on the table and asked her to Open it.

“What happened to you today, hmm?” She asked while opening the box.

She opened the box. She was stunned. Her mouth remained open. She put her both palms on her mouth. She took a deep breath. A small happy tear came out of her left eye. There was a cake inside the box with her picture printed on it.

Veeraj sat closer to Nandita. He pulled her closer, hugged her and whispered, “Happy Birthday,” in her ears.

She was sobbing. Veeraj hugged her tightly. Nandita pushed him away, hit several love punches on his chest, pulled him again towards her, hugged him tightly and said, “you idiot, I'll kill you. I thought you wouldn't remember,”

“ You want me here as your birthday gift. So here I'm,” he said.

She was smiling now. She was going to cut the cake.

“Wait,” he said.

“Urghhhh!! Now what?”

“I have written a poem for you,”

“Awwww,” it seemed like she was melting and the liquid she was converting into was coming out in the form of her tears. Her heart was breathing too fast. He started…

*As the cold chilly winds 
touches my face
Thoughts of you 
lingers in my head

You easily accepted me 
as your friend  
I wish you will stay that way 
till the end

The first day 
of our texting Conversation
Though it began 
without any ambition

I really enjoy texting to you 
in bliss of my solitude
Your short and sweet responses 
showed your attitude

You are like a bright star in the sky
You are the wind that passes by...
You are the fire that engulfs my thought
You are the beauty queen in short

Every star glows brighter
And in those glows I want to stay forever
But this secret is so hard to hide
My heart is shouting from inside

Between love and friendship
I'm waving like a lost ship
I no more bear the confusion
Tell me is it truth or illusion ??

Wish you a very Happy birthday, 
many miles to come
Don't ever look back 
you are simply awesome...

If i have crossed my limits, 
then please pardon me
If you feel happy 
then just reply me…*
She was falling in love with him all over again. It seemed to her as if the song is hinting her to tell him her feelings. He came all the way to meet her just because once she told him to come and meet her in her birthday. It's been a while since they were in each other's arms. She was still crying like a baby. And then, he whispered in her ears, “ I Love You”, and wiped her tears.

She looked at him, “ just so you know that I Love You too”, she said sobbing in her childish voice as if she doesn't care.

They laughed together. She wiped her tears. It was evening now and they could see the sunset from the roof. He wondered who is more beautiful, the sunset or her! Veeraj felt her face is glowing red just like the setting sun. And like the setting sun, she had to go too.

“ No one has made me feel this special in my entire life. Thank you very much.”  she said while hugging him. He kissed her on the forehead. She pecked him on the cheek in return.

The cab had come. She had to go. He wished her again. She hugged him again. She didn't want to go away from him. She wanted to be in his arms forever. But she had to go now. She sat in the cab.

“ I Love You” he said while closing the door and touched her cheek gently.

“Always”, he said to himself and watched the cab go.


P.S: If you have come this far in this Journey then you are simply awesome. Hope you like the Chapters of Veedita’s life. Thank you.

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